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Kara Goucher assina pela marca Oiselle

Kara Goucher é uma das melhores corredoras profissionais dos Estados Unidos, a par de Shalane Flanagan. Depois de mais de uma década de ligação à marca Nike, Goucher assinou pela marca de vestuário feminino de corrida Oiselle - não a marca não tem sapatilhas de running, e aí parece que a corredora escolheu a Saucony (como se vê pela foto). 


Goucher no seu blog partilhou o processo de mudança de marca. Se é uma escrita inocente e verdadeira ou se é puro storytelling, não sabemos mas que nos envolve ao lermos, isso é certo. 


"I am so excited to finally be able to share some exciting news with everyone. Today it was announced that I will be teaming up with Oiselle!   How did this happen?  Well, Oiselle is the French word for bird and this is the story of how I ended up in her nest.


I have been with Nike for 12.5 years. Twice during that time my contract has come up for renewal and both times I was with a Nike coach. So I chose to only negotiate new contracts with Nike and not speak with other companies. This past December 31st, my contract was up again. Once again, Nike wanted to renew, but I had just left my Nike-funded coach to return to Boulder and be coached by my college coaches. This meant I could explore other companies and options. After all, since Nike would no longer be funding my coach, I no longer had to be with them. I wanted to see what else was out there and see how other companies operated".


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