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Inscrições para a Maratona de Boston 2014

20130903-224401.jpgAs inscrições para a Maratona de Boston de 2014, que se realiza a 19 de Abril, abrem na próxima 22ª feira, dia 9 de Setembro. E podem ser feitas através do site oficial da prova A edição de 2014 conta com 36 mil vagas, sendo que o registo é feito através de tempo oficial, como se vê na imagem acima, seguindo as seguintes regras (texto em inglês retirado do site da organização):Registration will occur on a “rolling admission” schedule, beginning with the fastest qualifiers. On Monday, September 9, eligible runners who have met the qualifying standard for their age and gender by 20 minutes or more may register. On Wednesday, September 11 at 10:00 a.m. ET, if space remains, registration will open for those who have met their qualifying standard by 10 minutes or more. If space remains, registration will open on Friday, September 13 at 10:00 a.m. ET for those who have met their qualifying standard by five minutes or more. Registration will close on Saturday, September 14 at 10:00 p.m. ET.If space remains after the first week of registration (Monday, September 9 through Saturday, September 14), then registration will re-open for all qualifiers from Monday, September 16 at 10:00 a.m. ET through Friday, September 20 at 5:00 p.m. ET. If space remains after this initial period, then on Monday, September 23 registration will re-open to anyone who meets the qualifying standards. Registration will remain open until the maximum field size is reached.Nada fácil!Algum dos leitores vai inscrever-se?

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